Our Services

Geotechnical, Environmental & Construction Solutions

Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response


Our experienced engineers provide critical analysis pertaining to the ability of the land to support the planned development in a cost-effective manner. The decision to proceed with a given development relies on a thorough understanding of geotechnical and environmental characteristics of the property being considered. McDowell & Associates has an extensive database for its service area that has been collected for over 45 years.

Specific areas of expertise include:

  • Bearing Capacity analysis
  • Settlement analysis
  • Soil Stability analysis
  • Soil Improvement analysis
  • Design of Earth Retention Systems
  • Deep Foundation Design
  • Failure Analysis

Environmental – Property Acquisition

A thorough understanding of the site history plays a critical role in the land acquisition process. The Phase I ESA provides the foundation for this process. A Phase II Investigation follows if environmental issues are identified. Remediation and/or a Baseline Environmental Assessments are tools that can be used to eliminate obstacles to property acquisition. McDowell & Associates has extensive experience in the overall process that is needed to provide engineering guidance with due diligence.

Environmental – Consulting

McDowell & Associates engineers and industrial hygienists provide consulting that is tailored for addressing environmental issues.

Specific items include:

  • Air Monitoring
  • Due Care Compliance
  • Closures under Part 201 and 213
  • Underground Tank Consulting
  • Groundwater Analysis
  • Landfill Design
  • Mold
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Construction Testing

Monitoring construction activities related to the installation of foundations and infrastructure leads to an enhanced end product.  Identifying problems in the field in the early phases of the project reduces the potential for future problems to arise.

McDowell & Associates construction testing services provide third party oversight to our clients that complement their field personnel assigned to the project. Our construction testing staff are experienced in evaluating unique issues that often arise during the construction process.

Specialized tests include non-destructive concrete and steel testing, EIFS and Fire Proofing inspections

Materials Testing

McDowell & Associates maintains the full line of testing that is needed to support our construction testing group at both office locations.

Specific testing capabilities are offered for each of the following areas:

  • Concrete – Mix design, field and strength testing
  • Masonry – Field and lab grout testing, strength testing
  • Asphalt – standard tests associated with content
  • Soil and Aggregate – standard test associated with content

Special Projects Group

McDowell & Associates provides engineering consulting services to property owners and property managers for addressing building and infrastructure issues that often arise.

Services include special inspections, evaluations of building distress, evaluation of remaining service life of mechanical piping, roof or other building components. McDowell & Associates offers forensic consulting services to evaluate building, structures or support system failures. Staff has extensive experience in evaluating site conditions related to failures and instituting programs for the corrective measures that are needed to bring the property back online.

Specific failures include pipe failures, dam failures, soil settlement and movement.

 Façade Inspections

McDowell & Associates provides consulting on the Façade of your building in Detroit and the surrounding areas.



Our Transformative Approach

Phase 1


The first phase of a project requires a clear understanding of our client’s needs.



The second phase is identifying and assembling the baseline information that will be critical for site evaluation.



The third phase is to match the qualifications of key individuals with the analysis that will be required for the project. Third party consultants may be needed to complement internal staff.

Phase 4


A close network of engineering professionals and contractors provides technical depth and seek to identify innovative approaches that could result in cost savings.